Beyond Positive Thinking: 8 Ways to (Really) Bring on the Good.

Instead of overwhelming yourself with a long to-do list,

commit to just one of these eight habits for a month.

Hold onto that grounded feeling out of the studio and in real life when you stretch your mind as deeply as you stretch your body.

Like many of you, I scroll through the headlines most mornings, trying to stay informed. But lately, instead of setting me up for the day, it feels like I’m absorbing a weight I can’t put down. The stress, the uncertainty, the sense that things are spiraling beyond my control—it lingers, shaping my thoughts and tightening its grip on my body. It’s easy to feel trapped in this cycle, reacting instead of responding.

Ready for some good news? We don’t have to stay stuck.

One of the gifts of being human is that we can choose where we place our attention. Just as we stretch our bodies in yoga to release tension and create space, we can stretch our minds to make room for something better—clarity, resilience, and even joy. Because bringing more good into our lives isn’t just about thinking positively; it’s about practicing it, embodying it, and making space for it to grow.

The mind and body are intimately connected, cultivating a positive mental attitude can influence the health and vitality of our bodies.

But optimism (and positivity) doesn’t just happen. It takes awareness and intention to avoid being pulled toward the frenzy. If we are not intentional about our efforts day by day, we can easily default to feelings of overwhelm, discouragement, and negativity as our main experiences in life.

The Positive Power of Choice

While positive and negative attitudes will always exist, how you react to cynical and negative forces— including people, relatives, neighbors, TV, social media, and news—is ultimately up to you. You get to choose your attitude, your behaviors, your activities, and your words every day. I know—that’s easier said than done—which is exactly why you need to do both.

The good news is (see what I did there?), just as you take your health into your own hands with a regular yoga and exercise routine, you can do the same for your mind. It starts by establishing healthy habits, reaching into your imagination, and stretching beyond those negative comfort zones. (Yes, negativity can get comfortable—isn’t it easier to dwell on problems and focus on the hurdles than act on the good we could do?)

Choose Positively

Just as you take your health into your own hands with a regular yoga and exercise routine, you can do the same for your mind.

8 Habits That Reinforce a Positive Mental Attitude.

Here’s your mindset challenge today: Review the eight daily habits I’ve outlined below, pausing after each one to see how it lands with you. Which one will you start practicing first?

Dare to dream.

Your imagination is the most powerful force in the universe. Use it to focus on creating solutions in your life that benefit you and everyone around you.

Each day, take time to relax and visualize yourself, your life, and the world around you with a favorable outcome you would love to see happen.

Mindset Note: Anything and everything good created in this world started in someone’s imagination. Intangible thoughts turn into good things for the world when fueled by a desire to help others, and when you have faith in yourself!

Write it out.

Sitting down for 5 or 10 minutes daily with paper and pen to create a gratitude journal can help you relax and recognize what you are grateful for in your life right now. The practice of writing helps condition your brain to see the blessings in life (of which there are countless) and open your heart.

Mindset Note: To shift gears out of a negative mindset, turn off all technology, take a few deep breaths, stretch a little, relax, and get back to yourself. With a little practice, you will be amazed how creative thoughts start flowing in favor of gratitude.

Expand your self-image.

Everyone alive today has great untapped potential, talents, and abilities. Yet many people have a deep-down negative self-image that prevents them from seeing what’s possible for themselves and ultimately seeing the whole world through that lens.

Mindset Note: Make up your mind today, a committed decision to start seeing yourself and the world more favorably, and you will start expanding parts of yourself you might not even know existed.

No Lose Scenarios: You either Win or Learn.

Rejections and challenges are part of everyone's journey, but instead of seeing them as roadblocks or personal attacks, use them as learning opportunities.

Mindset Note: There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Look at any situation, past or present, you feel was a failure. What can you learn from it? Remember: They are not failures. They are feedback. What are you learning?

Stop playing the blame game.

Take full responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and results—shift from being a victim in life. Own and learn from your mistakes. Become a leader who believes in themselves and causes good things to happen for themselves and the world.

Mindset Note: Instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me?” or “Who’s fault is this?” try asking, “What can I do next?” or “What is possible for me now?” The moment you take full responsibility for your choices, you reclaim your power to shape what happens next.

Develop a winning attitude.

Celebrate wins each day (even small ones), focus on them, and talk about them with family and friends. You get more of what and where you focus your attention.

Mindset Note: Stay on the creative plane, where everyone gains (not the competitive plane where someone else has to lose because you win). Remember, amateurs compete, professionals create!

Show up for yourself.

Give yourself the gift of daily self-care. Some people find it through exercise. Some through meditation, breathwork, or yoga. Commit to yourself in some way every day to nourish yourself.

Mindset Note: When you take time for yourself each day, even 5 or 10 min of true quiet relaxation, you’ll find that you can show up for your family and the world as a clear-thinking, creative, positive force.

Take Five.

It’s been said that you become the average of the five people you surround yourself with most of the time. Another popular expression? Misery loves company. Who are the five people you spend time with the most? How do they see the world? Do they have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? Do you feel inspired or discouraged when around them?

Mindset Note: Choose your company thoughtfully and be a force for growth and uplifting yourself and others.

Think about the above habits as mental workouts—small but powerful exercises that strengthen your mindset over time.

Instead of overwhelming yourself with a long to-do list, commit to just one of these eight habits for a month. Practice it daily, let it become second nature, and when it feels like a natural part of you, add another.

Real, lasting change happens step by step, not all at once. Rushing to take on too much can backfire, leaving you right back where you started. But with time, patience, and consistency, you’ll be amazed at how one small shift can create a ripple effect of positive, lasting results.

~ Ian O’Laughlin, Co-Founder
Thrive Hot Yoga | Thrive Breakaways | Thrive Mindset

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